Friday, November 11, 2011


I first started noticing 11:11 in 2005, right after moving to New Orleans; after Hurricane Katrina hit.

At the time, I had no idea what it meant when I would frequently find myself being drawn to looking at clocks precisely (and usually only) at 11:11 or 1:11.

Why was I seeing it everywhere, everyday, all of a sudden?

My grocery bills were adding up to 11.11 or 111.11. I'd receive 11 new emails at once. I'd be directed to addresses containing 1111 or 111.

1111 would simply show up in my life on a daily basis in some obvious form or another. At first, I thought it was mere coincidence, but frankly, it was beginning to freak me the heck out. They were too frequent to be random. I knew *something* was going on, and I wanted to find out what it was all about.

So, in 2005 I searched online, high and low, and came up with nearly next to nothing; except for one website. I contacted a Native American man who maintained the only website I could find mentioning 11:11 in regards to spirit. He kindly offered me insight when I contacted him. Part of what he told me was that "11:11 is a time prompt from spirit guardians. It is a very positive thing that is happening as the planet experiences a spiritual shift."

Spirit guardians, contacting us through numbers? Creative. Keep it up, Midwayers. :)

Since 2005, the familiar prompts still happen, though to a much lesser degree; the spirits pretty much realize they have my attention now. To me, the time prompts are little 'hi, we're just letting you know we're here' messages.

Accounts of people seeing 11:11 (11-11, 1111) are growing exponentially. Millions of people of all beliefs and religions are experiencing these time prompts. Other common time prompts from spirit are 3:33 4:44, 12:12, 10:10, and so on. The numbers have different meanings, and there's a lot more information to be found on the web today in regards to this phenomena.

By the way. After we moved to Chattanooga in 2007, we bought a house (which we love) with an address that just so happens to contain 111. That wasn't the reason we bought it, but it was a nice lagniappe. And I'm sure the time-prompt spirits were winking when we bought it.

1 comment:

APearbuckle said...

I'm glad I found your blog. Your tarot is gorgeous and the Witchlings are too precious. I was wondering (and I know this isn't on topic with your post at all, but wasn't sure how else to get in touch with you) if you'd considered having your designs done as a fabric line? Your Witchlings as a quilt would delight many hearts in my family ... and then be passed down to delight many more. Just a thought. :)